Mokhtar Asaadi MD, FACS
Plastic Surgery New Jersey Office:
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Cosmetic Surgeon New Jersey

Patient Testimonials

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Asaadi Plastic Surgery Patient Testimonial

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

Your work is the Best.

I look and feel 16!

After going through various medical/orthopedic issues, Dr. Asaadi put me all back together again perfectly and I can enjoy riding my horses which I love so much.

Thank You All!

Asaadi Plastic Surgery Patient Testimonial

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

I just wanted to thank you for all your time, expertise, and caring that I received before, during, and after my festoon surgery. No question went unanswered. Everyone I came in contact with was so kind and knowledgeable. Dr. Asaadi you are truly an artist. I am so pleased with my results. The confidence I have now gained is remarkable. When I look in the mirror I see for the first time, in a long time, ME!


Asaadi Plastic Surgery Patient Testimonial

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

I wanted to send a progress photo (7 months post-surgery) taken at a local physique competition.

I attribute my success not only to my new body, but the undeniable confidence I exude off and on the stage. Being truly happy with what I see in the mirror has brought forth a world of positives.

For at least 5 years I had thought about making a change. Prior to surgery, my nerves were terrible – after all, the body I’ve been used to for 30 years was about to change forever! I knew I was in great hands going in, which did ease my anxiety. The minute I became conscious of the results, it became clear I made the best choice. What impressed me the most was my body looked flawless…not one bruise existed. I looked like a more beautiful, natural, and curvaceous version of myself.

I could not be more thrilled with the amazing results of Dr. Asaadi’s artistry! With every complement I receive, I recommend your practice for its world-class expertise, professionalism and warmth.

A million times, thank you!!!


Dear Dr. Asaadi,

I have always had bags under my eyes, but as I became older, they seemed to get worse. Every time I looked in the mirror, all I saw were those bags. At least once a day at work, someone would ask me if I was tired. So, when my daughter announced her engagement, I thought it was time to do something. I made an appointment with Dr. Asaadi to see what my options were. My surgery was scheduled for August of 2012.

I was scared and apprehensive, but it was the right decision. I feel like a new person. No one asks me anymore if I am tired and I don’t shy away from having my picture taken. Dr. Asaadi and his staff have been terrific, so caring and professional. I only took one week off from work, and the bruising was minimal.

I probably would still have the bags if my daughter didn’t get married.

But, I am so thankful I had the surgery. And I was the proud mother of the bride.

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

I have known Dr. Asaadi for fifteen years.  I first met him in my fifties. I look tired and worn out and looking for a more youthful appearance. In meeting Dr. Asaadi he presented a picture of a very sincere and up standing person.

He took the time to go over my goals and together we outlined what was needed. I had rhinoplasty and eye corrective surgery. Down time was minimal and the results perfect.
Several years later I had a face lift and again was completely satisfied.

Presently I am 69 years old looking way better than when I first met with him. Let me add that since my surgery Dr.Asaadi has maintained my youthful appearance by using injectable fillers. He is a true genius and a very honest person whom I highly recommend.

Also his staff is the best

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

Thank you, just two small words to express so much gratitude.

Thank you,

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

You have helped me look young again.

Dr. Asaadi thanks. With warm wishes,

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

Thank you - the phrase is simple and the words are few, but behind them lies a world of appreciation. Special people like you make the world a brighter place.

Thank you for helping me get better. Also to improve day by day my special future. I pray God bless your hands to help the life of others.


Dear Dr. Asaadi & Staff,

You are the BEST! I love & trust you and the whole staff. Here to many years together.

J.K .

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

Dear Dr. Asaadi, Mary, Rhonda, Inna & Carol,
Thank you all soooo much for all acting treatment that Kate received from everybody. Doc- thx for excellent outcome. Kate is very happy with her legs and I am glad that we decided to do the procedure!

With sincere appreciation and warmest THANKS.

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

Can you believe it has been 5 years since I first came to see you? It's hard to imagine we won't have our monthly Tuesday laser appointments anymore!

Thank you for all you have done for me. I always be grateful.

Wishing you a happy thanks giving.

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

Just to say thank you very much. These simple words of thanks are meant especially for you. . . because you've shown such kindness and have been so helpful, too. . . For special people like you, throughout each and every day, give so much support to others in your own special way. . . So please accept these few words for all they're meant to be - Gratitude right from the heart for all you've done for me !

Thank you for making a difference !
With much appreciation,

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

Thank you for your generous heart, your passion, and for all the thoughtful ways you make a difference! ! ! In the LIVES of OTHERS.

Thank you for all you've done for me & my family, and so so many others.

God bless.
G.L. & Family

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

First off thank you for taking great care of me during surgery, I knew I was in the best hands possible. You always made sure I was taken care of and I am very grateful of that. Deena thank you for constantly changing my appointments, I know I was a bit annoying at times. Mrs. Asaadi thank you for calming my mom down and reassuring her that I was in great hands. Lastly, Dara, thank you for the moral support and being a great friend while I was in surgery and afterwards.

You guys are great people and a wonderful family!

Thank you again for everything!

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

I wanted to express my gratefulness to you. You have changed my life and I will always feel blessed. I could not be happier with your work. You are an incredible plastic surgeon and it was a pleasure meeting you.

With sincere gratitude and appreciation.
Thank you,
M. T.

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

I want to thank you so very much for all you've done for me. Through the years I wouldn't look like & do if it wasn't for you. you have given me confidence, security & I like myself now. Before I didn't look right & I was too heavy & no self confidence at all - I pray a lot for you, your family, your business.

I thank God often for sending me to you so many years ago - God bless you, your family and your wife - I'd be lost without your help. My face looks so pretty now. And thank you for your beautiful roses you & your wife & staff sent me, they were just gorgeous.

I just love your office staff. Inna, Mary, Kristie , they have been so helpful, I adore them. Tell your beautiful wife I said hello & I hope to see her next time. The both of you are beautiful together, she is a sweat natured and beautiful person.

Sincerely & lots of love to all

Dear Dr. Asaadi & Staff,

Thank you for all your support. You helped me not only on the outside, but also on the inside. I feel like a hit a home run, not that I play baseball, but I come in your office looking like me, which is GREAT. Thanks to Dr. Asaadi & come out even better.

Words cannot express my gratitude.

Have a happy & healthy New Year. Sincerely

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

No words will ever truly express the heartfelt gratitude and respect I have for you and what you have done foe me and my family. you gave me BACK my life. You made me whole again and I could never put into words what you have not only done for me but for so many. You are a blessing to this profession. You are what every patient dreams of! God bless you always.

Forever grateful

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

Doubt if you will remember me. You performed my breast reconstruction in 1997.

Most recently another Doctor asked me who performed the Tram flap reconstruction because it is beautifu. Through the years I've heard this many times after physicals. My internist actually took down your name to use as a referral. I guess it is better late than never to express my gratitude. If I had more ...........

I'd have a face lift. However, I would only recommend you to my peers.

Dear Dr. Asaadi,.

“Once I decided to undergo a tummy tuck procedure, I knew my appearance would change for the better.  What I did not anticipate is what a profound effect the results would have on my overall way of life.  Along with giving me the body I wanted, the transformation gave me a great sense of confidence, reassurance, and security with myself.  I now walk upright and confident, as opposed to slouched and submissive.  I enjoy shopping for clothes and wearing two piece bathing suits on the beach.

If anyone is contemplating having this procedure done, I strongly encourage them to do so."

Thanks to Dr. Asaadi I have the perfect body and a better life.

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

“I had twins in 1993, which left me with sagging muscles and a lot of stretched skin. No matter how much I exercised, there was little to no improvement. Because I work in the fashion industry, looking good in clothes and being in shape are very important.  I found it difficult to find clothes to fit my figure-- shirts had to be long and loose fitting to cover my bulging belly. Because I was otherwise thin, pants never fit properly in the waist. While I loved fashion and designer clothing, there was little I could wear and shopping became a frustrating experience.

For my 40th birthday I decided it was past time to do something about my stomach. After seeing several surgeons, I decided that Dr. Asaadi was the right fit for me. He spent a lot of time explaining the procedure, and had a vision of what would look best for my body overall.  Dr. Asaadi recommended a CORESM Abdominoplasty combined with liposuction for my upper thighs, which would  balance my thin hips and smaller waist line. I was pleased with his ability to see the overall picture, which was something the other plastic surgeons I saw didn’t envision. His wonderful personality, confidence, and patience in explaining all aspects of the surgery were an added bonus. While it can be scary to go through a major surgery, he put me completely at ease.

It’s been about 8 years since the surgery. My stomach is as tight as the day he did the procedure-- and I barely ever do sit-ups! Dr. Asaadi’s suggestion to combine the CORESM Abdominoplasty with liposuction in my upper thighs left me thrilled with how my body looks. Clothes fit me beautifully and shopping has become fun again. Wearing a bikini was something I never thought I would be able to do. I have regained the confidence in myself I lost after having the twins-- "

I couldn’t be happier!

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

“My name is Carol and I am 67 years old and the mother of six children.  I have always been a very active and strong person, enjoying many different sports and activities, but could never lose the excess weight in my stomach. My breasts were large and sagging, so I had to buy shirts larger just so the buttons wouldn’t pop. I also needed larger waisted pants to squeeze my tummy in, but being that my legs and butt are not that large, my pants would sag in those areas.  I hated buying clothes and dreaded looking in my closet every day for something to wear.

Then a friend told me about Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi and his high standard of ethics, and all the wonderful changes he has made in so many women’s lives. I then proceeded to set up a consultation with Dr. Asaadi in March of 2010.  I was amazed at how thorough he was and how much time he spent with me. I left that day with virtually no question unanswered and a sense of confidence knowing my body and life were in good hands.

On May 12, 2010 Dr. Asaadi performed a bilateral reduction mammoplasty, CORESM Abdominoplasty, repair of diastasis recti, VASER® LipoSelection of the back, flanks, upper inner thighs, pubic area, lateral chest walls, and a small area of the upper arms.  I was very sore for the first week, but after that I could see improvement every couple of days.  The more I walked the better and stronger I felt.

In exactly six weeks after the surgery I went with my daughter, son-in-law, and their 13 month old son to a destination wedding feeling great.  My daughter was nervous that I wouldn’t be able to take care of the baby like I needed to ( her and her husband were in the wedding), but I had so much more energy and strength than I did in years. I felt so wonderful in my new clothes, and I can’t begin to express how many compliments I received.....especially in my “Tankini”!!!

I now look forward to getting up in the morning and picking out a nice fitting outfit for the day, and not some loose fitting shirt and baggy pants.  Thank you, Dr. gave me my self-confidence back!!!!”

Thank you, Dr. gave me my self-confidence back!!!!”

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

“I am so very grateful for the tummy tuck that Dr. Asaadi performed on me.  Dr. Asaadi has proven to me to be a meticulous artist of the body.  I felt that the office and staff compares to no other. It has been 5 years since my surgery, I am 42 years old and I am feeling and looking just as good if not better since surgery.  I am more confident putting on my clothing, especially bathing suits.  Dr. Asaadi gave me my belly back from 20 years ago (pre-babies)." 

I not only feel better in the way in which my body looks, but most important it changed the way I view myself inside and out.


Dear Dr. Asaadi,

“After 10 years of hearing comments about how tired I appeared, I decided that the time had come for me to take action which required more than just getting extra sleep!!!

I did my research and decided that Dr. Asaadi was the best choice upon seeing the results of past patients and the unique technique that he uses.

Now, close to two years later, I couldn't be happier!  Not only do I look 10 years younger, but I now feel refreshed and vibrant.  No more comments about how tired I appear.

This surgery not only restored my youth, but it greatly improved my confidence level.  As a salesperson and a single girl, this is incredibly Important!!!  Whereas prior to the surgery, I couldn't even think about walking out the door without makeup, now I am completely comfortable with it.  No more trying to conceal or detract attention from the severe bags under my eyes!!!  Friends and relatives, and even sometimes I, cannot believe the difference this surgery has made!  One of the best parts is that it looks incredibly natural.   No one would ever know I had anything done unless I had told them.  A yearlong spa getaway would not have produced such results!"

It was hands down the best money I ever spent!!!!! I feel like I'm a walking billboard for Blepharoplasty.

Age 47

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

My name is Paula and about a month ago you gave me some botox injections. I had recently finished nine months of very tough treatment for a stage III breast cancer and I was neither feeling nor looking my best. My hair had just begun to grow but I still was showing way too much forehead for my comfort zone so I thought perhaps a little botox would give me a "lift".

Well, I cannot say enough about my results. I feel fantastic about the way my skin looks. In fact, the other evening I bumped into some friends at a restaurant. The first thing they said to me was "your skin looks fabulous! Even better than before your diagnosis." Now that's amazing. Since seeing you, I have received numerous compliments about how alive I look. Well, I do have a great attitude but I have to say that your skillful work has really made me feel confident.

Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication. I wish all women who have been through treatment could feel as good as I feel. Thank you Dr. Asaadi.

Best regards,

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

As we enter this Holiday Season and many people reflect upon the past 12 months and for what they are most thankful, I must acknowledge you, your skill and expertise and mention the thanks, gratitude and appreciation I have for having had you perform my surgeries and how it all changed my life this past year.

I am further grateful to your staff for their time, tremendous patience, respect and enormous understanding from the phone calls and questions prior to my first consult, the actual consultations, pre and post surgery processes, two phone calls the night of/being seen so early the morning after surgery to the recovery follow-up visits which were continuously met with support and understanding (when each time I showed up with a laundry list of questions).

Having never been in need of care from anyone, I am amazed by and remain in awe of the passion doctors and nurses have (both your staff and those I met on surgery day) for their profession, patience and ability to care for their patients as if each were their first.

I thank you for the inner peace and happiness my eye and breast surgeries have brought to my day to day life where the mirror in the morning, the bathroom mirror at work and the reflections inescapable in stores and public places no longer serve to instigate an inner disheartening, personal battle and where strangers making ignorant comments about my tired appearance no longer have cause to elicit rude remarks. You were also the only surgeon who did not turn me away, fully confident that eye surgery (in my case) could be successful.

As for those more private transformations and the particular issues I faced, they have only brought confidence which is further reflected on a face that no longer feels depressed or seemingly appears fatigued.

Your work changes and affects the physical, although you also change and affect life in the process. I am not sure how often your patients share with you how plastic surgery changed and improved their daily life, but in my case it has been remarkable; perhaps immeasurable.

So, I send you (and your staff) my most sincere gratitude and I wish you and your family blessings and happiness for the Holiday Season and throughout the New Year.

Age 43

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

Thank you so much for everything that you’ve done for me. It’s only been four days since the surgery and it already looks amazing. You did a beautiful job—I finally have a figure!!!! I appreciate all that you’ve done for me and I am forever grateful.

Age 22

Dear Dr. Asaadi

No words will ever truly express the heartfelt gratitude and respect I have for you and what you have done for my family. You gave me back my life. You made me whole again and I could never put into words what you have not only done for me but I’m quite sure for many. You are a blessing to this profession. You are what every patient dreams of!

God Bless you always.
Age 45

Dear Dr. Asaadi

I would like to thank you for your time and effort and the excellent work you’ve done with my son. It means so much to him to know that he still has some options. Other doctors never even gave him the opportunity to choose. During the past three years, we’ve been going from one doctor to another but ultimately every single one of them had the same response…No options available. I am glad that he never gave up hope of finding someone like you. In his desperation, he kept on nagging me to continue searching. You should have seen the expression on his face after he talked to you.  You gave him hope… even if the chances were less than a hundred percent. It meant the world to him. I’m also thankful to Dr. Mansour for his referral. He said that you’re the best person to see and he was right. I appreciate your compassion to help other people like my son. Thank you again.

Very truly yours,

Dear Dr. Asaadi

I want to say thank you for all of your care and kindness, but I really feel my words are inadequate. You are a healer of the spirit as well as the body. You have done more than I could have hoped for and I also am so grateful to your staff for their concern and assistance.

Best to you always,
Age 66

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

Many thanks to you and your exquisite Dream Team, for your skilled and awesome talent, your care and expert follow up. You are all the best! You have an amazing destiny! Go for it!

Kind regards and thanks,
Age 52

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

Thank you for all your professionalism and time spent going over the procedure. I am pleased thus far; I can only imagine my gratitude in the months ahead, as I see my nose transforming. I put my face in the hands of a true sculptor and have nothing but praise and recommendation. Your staff are a wonderful representation of your reputation on being a true caring practice. Many Thanks.

Age 48

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

Thank you for taking such good care of our daughter. Her face looks great.


Dear Dr. Asaadi,

I cannot find the words to express my gratitude to you for the work you did on my eyes. You have given me so much more confidence in myself than I ever thought was possible. I also want to say that your staff made every step of the way so much more comforting. Thank you again.

Age 41

Dear Dr. Asaadi,

Just a short note to tell you how happy I am and to thank you for your wonderful work. As soon as I walked out the door from our first consultation, I had this “feeling” and I knew you were the one I could put 100% trust in. Thank you for your attention to detail, the care you’ve shown me, and your warm personality. I count myself luck to know you.

Thanks and all the best to you!
Age 36



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