
Excess Skin Removal – Body Lift Surgery Following Major Weight Loss

POSTED ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2019 AT 4:43 PM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

As the New Year approaches, many are setting the goal to lose weight and improve their health. While losing weight can be a great accomplishment when done properly, many don’t anticipate the new challenges that may come after major weight loss, such as excess and stretched skin. If you find excess and loose skin overshadows your weight loss results, body lift surgery may be the perfect option for you to achieve the goals you set out for.

What Is A Body Lift?

Body lift surgery, is designed to firm and tighten body contours by removing excess skin and reshaping underlying tissue supporting skin and fat. A body lift may incorporate a variety of procedures to target different areas, including the abdomen, buttocks, arms, and thighs.

Arm Lift Following Major Weight Loss

Arm lift surgery after weight loss is designed to treat loose skin and excess fat in the upper arms to create a slimmer shape. Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi utilizes the specialized avulsion arm therapy which combines liposuction and arm lift surgery.

This ensures that pockets of excess fat are gently extracted, there is no trauma to blood vessels, little to no scarring is produced, and arm contours appear more natural.

Tummy Tuck To Tighten The Abdomen After Weight Loss

Tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, is one of the most sought out procedures following major weight loss. Tummy tuck can treat lax skin and excess abdominal bulging by tightening abdominal muscles and removing excess skin.

During a tummy tuck, Dr. Asaadi is also able to focus on specific trouble areas in the abdominal region by using his CORE Abdominoplasty℠ method. With this method, the back of the operating table is raised to a 45° angle so abdominal bulging can be more easily identified and treated.

Thigh Lift Post Weight Loss

Thigh lift surgery can reshape the thighs by removing excess skin and fat, creating a smoother and more youthful appearance in the thighs and buttocks. During a thigh lift, excess skin is removed from the inner, mid, and outer thighs, as well as the buttocks to provide an even improvement of contours across the lower body.

Thigh lift surgery can also be combined with other body contouring techniques, such as liposuction, to achieve natural-looking contours.

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about arm lift, tummy tuck, thigh lift, and body lift surgeries, as well as our other body contouring procedures. Contact our New Jersey office at 913.731.7000, our New York office at 212.938.0158, or you may request an appointment online today!


Additional Links:

Liposuction NJ

Core Abdominoplasty NJ

Breast Lift New Jersey

Tummy Tuck and Liposuction For Men

POSTED ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2019 AT 3:40 PM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Losing a significant amount of weight and following a newfound healthy lifestyle can make you feel good and improve your well-being.

But after major weight loss, many men find themselves facing new struggles such as loose skin, weakened stomach muscles, and stretch marks that can obstruct results and deter confidence, despite all of their hard work.

If you find yourself in this position, procedures such as tummy tuck surgery and liposuction may be the answer to firm-up your body and reveal the true results of your efforts.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

Ideal for men who have undergone significant weight loss, tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, is designed to tighten and reposition stretched abdominal muscles and remove excess skin from the midsection.

During a tummy tuck, the muscles of the abdomen are repaired and repositioned, while excess skin is removed, creating a firmer and slimmer waistline.

In order to achieve the most substantial results with a tummy tuck, Dr. Mohktar Asaadi pioneered the CORE Abdominoplasty℠ technique.

With this technique, the operating table is raised to a 45° angle so prominent areas of abdominal bulging can be more easily identified and treated.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is often combined with tummy tuck surgery to supplement results and further enhance body contours. There are multiple liposuction options offered, each of which removes stubborn fat in target areas at varying levels of invasiveness. Dr. Asaadi can help you decide which procedure will be most beneficial to your specific needs prior to treatment.

What Results Can I Expect After a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction?

Combining tummy tuck and liposuction procedures can achieve long-lasting, natural-looking results. Patients can expect the reduction of fat and a slimmer appearance across the midsection. Additionally, all incisions are carefully place to ensure post-procedure scars remain virtually unnoticeable.

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about tummy tuck surgery or liposuction, as well as our other body contouring procedures. Contact our New Jersey office at 913.731.7000, our New York office at 212.938.0158, or you may request an appointment online today!


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Male Breast Reduction NJ

MasterTuck℠ New Jersey

Body Lift NJ

Arm Lift NJ

Minimally Invasive Plastic Surgery For A Perfect Beach Body

POSTED ON THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 AT 9:32 AM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Get ready for summer with VASER® LipoSelection and MAsterTuck℠ at Asaadi Plastic Surgery. VASER® LipoSelection and MAsterTuck℠ are minimally invasive body contouring treatments aimed at providing you with a more sculpted physique.

What Is VASER® LipoSelection?

Sometimes exercise and diet are not always enough to eliminate stubborn fat pockets around the abdomen, thighs, hips, legs, neck, or arms. VASER® LipoSelection is an innovative liposuction procedure that can extract unwanted fat from troublesome and delicate areas of the body.

VASER® LipoSelection exposes fat cells to ultrasound energy that gradually dissolves the unwanted fat, which is gently suctioned with a probe or cannula. VASER® LipoSelection requires less downtime compared to traditional liposuction treatments and can offer long-term results.

What Is MAsterTuck℠?

Eliminate localized fatty deposits around the midsection, flanks, and back with MAsterTuck℠! Dr. Asaadi pioneered MAsterTuck℠ to help patients attain a well-contoured physique, while also promoting skin tightening with the help of VASER® energy.

Compared to traditional liposuction, MAsterTuck℠ delivers significant skin retraction without the need for excision of the skin. Just like VASER® LipoSelection, MAsterTuck℠ uses a probe or cannula to emit ultrasound energy to liquefy surrounding fat cells.

Afterward, the liquefied fat is carefully removed from the body, leaving fibrous tissues intact. MAsterTuck℠ is a unique liposuction procedure that can achieve long-lasting results in truncal parts of the body!

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about VASER® LipoSelection and MAsterTuck℠. Contact our New Jersey office at 973.731.7000, our New York office at 212.938.0158, or you may request an appointment online today!


Additional Links:

Liposuction NJ

CORE AbdominoplastyNew Jersey

Body Lift NJ

MAsterTuck Solution for a Slimmer Physique

POSTED ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 04, 2018 AT 4:39 PM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

MAsterTuck℠ is a revolutionary liposuction procedure that can remove excess fat deposits and encourage skin tightening. Performed by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi, MAsterTuck℠ is designed to help patients achieve a firmer and smoother, natural-looking physique. Compared to traditional liposuction methods, MAsterTuck℠ can be combined with other body contouring methods, such as abdominoplasty or body lift surgery for superior results! Learn more about MAsterTuck℠ below.

What Is MAsterTuck℠?

MAsterTuck℠ is a minimally invasive, pioneering body sculpting technique to help remove stubborn fat and tighten loose skin around the midsection, flanks, or lower back. The VASER® Lipo cannula is used during the procedure to liquefy surrounding fat cells using ultrasound energy.

These fat cells are then suctioned from the body without bothering connective tissues that are crucial to maintaining skin retraction. In fact, MAsterTuck℠ is designed to not leave behind skin laxity because the VASER® energy used during treatment encourages skin tightening. VASER® Lipo requires less downtime post-procedure and can provide satisfying results!

Preparing For The MAsterTuck℠ Procedure

If you’re experiencing moderate-sagging or persistent fat around the midsection, flanks, or back, MAsterTuck℠ may be right for you. In order to be a qualified candidate for the MAsterTuck℠ procedure, patients must be at a healthy weight and should not be struggling with weakened or stretched abdominal muscles.

Patients who will be undergoing the MAsterTuck℠ treatment will need to follow Dr. Asaadi’s pre-procedure instructions. Additionally, particular medications, foods, or beverages may need to be avoided prior to the procedure.

Revolutionary Results With MAsterTuck

MAsterTuck℠ can produce long-lasting and natural-looking results! Patients can expect to see a noticeably firmer midsection, flanks, or back within months!

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about MAsterTuck℠, as well as our other body contouring procedures. Contact our New Jersey office at 973.731.7000, our New York office at 212.938.0158, or you may request an appointment online today!


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Liposuction NJ


Tummy Tuck NJ

Neck Rejuvenation Options For A More Youthful Neck & Jawline!

POSTED ON THURSDAY, MARCH 08, 2018 AT 1:53 PM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

The neck is often considered a problem area for many patients. Over time, skin may begin to sag and fat deposits may accumulate, leading to the appearance of a “double chin.” There are plenty of neck rejuvenation options available to restore a firmer, more youthful neck and jawline. At Asaadi Plastic Surgery, we offer Ultherapy®, Kybella®, neck liposuction, and neck lift surgery to improve the appearance of your neck. Learn more about your neck rejuvenation options below.

Ultherapy ® Skin Tightening

Ultherapy® is a non-surgical skin tightening treatment that can improve skin texture while reducing wrinkles and fine lines. Ultherapy® uses ultrasound energy to lift and firm sagging tissues. Ultherapy®  can also encourage the production of collagen fibers, which improves skin elasticity. There is no downtime or recovery needed and Ultherapy® patients can resume daily activities immediately.

Kybella® For Double Chin

Kybella® is a non-invasive injection to reduce the appearance of double chin. Kybella® is made from deoxycholic acid, which helps absorb excess fat in the body. Kybella® is injected into the chin to eliminate unwanted fat cells. Kybella® treatments can be completed in 15 minutes and multiple sessions spread out over weeks are ideal for optimal results. You can return to your daily routine immediately after completing treatment.

Neck Liposuction To Remove Stubborn Fat

Neck liposuction can remove stubborn pockets of unwanted neck fat to enhance neck contours. During neck lipo, a tiny incision is made and a small cannula is inserted beneath the skin to extract unwanted fat cells. Neck liposuction can achieve long-lasting, natural-looking results with minimal downtime and recovery.

Neck Lift Surgery To Firm Sagging Skin

A neck lift can restore a more youthful-looking neck by targeting loose neck skin. During neck lift surgery, the underlying structures of the neck, like Platysma muscles are corrected by tightening & reshaping. Drooping or sagging skin can be lifted and repositioned, while excess skin can be removed. The result is a firmer-looking neck. A neck lift requires a few weeks of downtime, but can yield long-term results.

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about Ultherapy®, Kybella®, neck liposuction, or neck lift surgery, as well as our other body contouring procedures. Contact our New Jersey office at 973.731.7000, our New York office at 212-938-0158, or you may request an appointment online today!


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Cosmetic Fillers New Jersey

Fat Transfer NJ