Plastic Surgeon

Rejuvenate The Appearance Of Aging Eyes And Brows!

POSTED ON THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2016 AT 3:11 PM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Did you know the eyes are among the first areas to display the signs of aging? Sagging brows, puffy under-eye bags, and frown lines may begin to appear around the eyes over time, due to aging, stress, lifestyle choices, or sun exposure. These effects can result in an older-looking, tired appearance. At Asaadi Plastic Surgery, we provide brow lift surgery and blepharoplasty to rejuvenate the eyes by improving forehead furrows and drooping eyelids.

Lift Sagging Brows

Over time, the muscles and tissues around the forehead tend to sag downwards. A brow lift targets these forehead tissues that contribute to drooping brows and horizontal lines. During your brow lift procedure, small incisions are made to carefully reposition tissues, reducing the appearance of fine lines. Additionally, excess skin can be removed to address forehead wrinkling and provide a long-lasting lifting effect to the brows. For patients looking for a non-surgical alternative to a forehead lift, Botox® injections can be used to alter the position of the eyebrows. Botox® can relax forehead muscles by temporarily preventing nerve impulses, leading to a reduction in fine lines.

Contour The Eyelids

Blepharoplasty can address both the upper and lower eyelids for a rejuvenated expression. Upper blepharoplasty targets excess skin above the eyelids, as well as small amounts of fat. Your blepharoplasty surgeon will remove skin from the eyelids, while also trimming excess fat to reshape the lids.

Lower blepharoplasty takes aim at puffy under-eye bags and hollowing that may occur below the eyelids. Lower eyelid surgery tightens muscle and repositions fat pockets around the lower eyelid to restore a smooth appearance. Small amounts of excess skin can be removed, if necessary, to ensure natural-looking, youthful results.

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about forehead lift or blepharoplasty, as well as any of our other facial rejuvenation procedures. Contact our New Jersey office at 973.731.7000, our New York office at 212-938-0158, or you may request an appointment online today!


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How Dr. Asaadi’s “Botox® Test” Can Properly Diagnosis Malar Mounds And Festoons!

POSTED ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 AT 9:45 AM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Under-eye bags often present aesthetic concerns for patients, as they can result in a tired or older-looking appearance. Two specific conditions—malar mounds and festoons—both present themselves as severe under-eye bags that can affect confidence in one’s look. At first glance, it is extremely difficult to tell the cause of these troublesome conditions.

As a result, Dr. Asaadi has pioneered the “Botox® Test” to discern the true cause of malar bags and festoons. Botox® is a cosmetic injectable that temporarily relaxes muscles and prevents nerve impulses. This simple test is used in order to correctly diagnose your under-eye bags so that a proper treatment plan can be formulated. See how it works below!

Undergoing The Botox® Test

In order to find the root cause of your malar mounds, Dr. Asaadi will carefully inject a small amount of Botox® into the orbicularis oculi, also known as the muscle around your eye. One possible cause is the presence of excess fat around the eye and upper cheek, which is causing your puffy appearance. Another possible reason for the occurrence of malar bags is muscle laxity around the eye that leads to sagging skin around the area.

If your Botox® injection causes your malar mounds to temporarily get worse, then this is a sign that your under-eye bags are caused by muscle laxity. However, if there is no change in the appearance of your festoons after your Botox® Test, then this shows that your condition is caused by excess fat around the eye.

Upon finding the reason for your under-eye bags, Dr. Asaadi can then formulate a proper treatment plan to improve the appearance of these issues. The Botox® Test is an important tool in the correction of malar mounds and festoons. Here at Asaadi Plastic Surgery, we aim to provide solutions to these issues that yield natural-looking results, as well as inspire confidence.

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about malar bags and festoons, as well as our Botox® treatments. Contact our New Jersey office at 973.731.7000, our New York office at 212-938-0158, or you may request an appointment online today!


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Facial Rejuvenation New Jersey

Eyelid Surgery NJ

Cosmetic Fillers New Jersey

How Post Bariatric Surgery Can Improve Your Physique After Weight Loss!

POSTED ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2016 AT 2:57 PM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Making the decision to lose a significant amount of weight is a substantial step in your journey to attaining a firmer physique. Further supplementing your weight loss with body contouring procedures can slim down areas of the body where sagging skin is present. After losing a significant amount of weight, excess skin is often left behind; this skin tends to sag and droop, masking your hard-earned results. Undergoing post bariatric surgery can remove and reposition excess skin for firm contours. Moreover, post bariatric surgery can achieve long-lasting results for patients. Below are some areas that post bariatric surgery can target.

Tighten The Midsection

Excess skin around the midsection can be corrected with tummy tuck surgery. During this procedure, sagging skin is removed and re-draped to promote a firmer-looking abdomen. Additionally, stomach muscles that have been stretched and weakened due to weight gain or pregnancy can be tightened with a tummy tuck to eliminate bulging.

Lift The Breasts

Weight loss may affect the size and shape of your breasts. Opting for a breast lift can restore youthful positioning to the breasts. Your NJ plastic surgeon can carefully raise the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening surrounding tissue. Breast lift surgery will also move the nipples and surrounding areolas to a higher position and correct nipple size for perkier-looking, proportional breasts.

Firm The Arms

The presence of lax skin around the upper arms is common after substantial weight loss. This can take away from arm definition, as drooping skin may cover up your musculature. An arm lift can re-drape loose arm skin to improve sagging for slimmer-looking, toned arms.

Contour The Thighs & Buttocks

Patients may notice excess skin around the thighs or buttocks after undergoing weight loss. Thigh lift surgery can improve the aesthetic of your lower body in numerous ways. Excess skin can be removed around the upper legs and buttocks to eliminate laxity. Moreover, repositioning loose skin can correct dimpling and irregularities that contribute to an older-looking appearance. As a result, thigh lift surgery can achieve a firmer, younger-looking lower body.

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about post bariatric surgery, as well as tummy tuck surgery, breast liftarm lift, and thigh lift surgery. Contact our New Jersey office at 973.731.7000, our New York office at 212-938-0158, or you may request an appointment online today!


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Facial Rejuvenation for a Youthful-Looking You This Summer!

POSTED ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2016 AT 11:23 AM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Opting for facial rejuvenation during the winter months can result in a beautiful look come summertime. Many patients take advantage of the long winter by undergoing plastic surgery in preparation for the warmer months. Patients often choose to combine different facial rejuvenation techniques for youthful-looking, balanced results. At Asaadi Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety of facial surgery options at our New Jersey office, as well as at our new location in New York City! Below are some commonly-requested procedures that can achieve a younger-looking you.

Facelift & Necklift

Combining a facelift and necklift can ensure a youthful facial profile. Facelift surgery can improve the most visible signs of aging by removing excess fat, tightening underlying muscles, and correcting loose or sagging facial skin. While facelift surgery can achieve a younger-looking appearance, an aged neck can continue to lead to an older, worn facial profile. Undergoing necklift surgery targets troublesome neck bands and lax neck skin to promote a contoured neckline. Your plastic surgeon can also tighten underlying muscles and lift loose skin to a more youthful position with a necklift.

Forehead Lift & Blepharoplasty

Patients undergoing a forehead lift can target drooping brows and excess forehead skin that results in an older-looking, furrowed appearance. Horizontal forehead lines can be improved by repositioning forehead tissues and removing loose skin. Patients can also opt for blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, to target the puffy under-eye bags or drooping eyelids. Correcting these conditions can improve the appearance of tired eyes for a refreshed look.

Facial Implants For The Cheeks, Jaw, & Chin

A variety of facial implants can be utilized to improve facial definition and symmetry. Correct gaunt cheek hollows and provide fullness to the midface with cheek implants, or add long-lasting contours to the jawline and chin with chin implants. These implants come in different sizes and shapes to complement your individual profile. Your plastic surgeon can help you determine what is best for your individual procedure goals and desires.


In some cases, simply correcting nose asymmetries can lead to an enhanced facial profile. Nose surgery can improve nostril size, smooth bumps around the nose bridge, and correct the angle of your nose. Rhinoplasty is also utilized to correct breathing issues, such as a deviated septum. Patients often choose rhinoplasty to correct nose imbalances, bringing the nose into balance with the rest of the facial profile.

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about our facelift, necklift, forehead lift, blepharoplasty, facial implants, and rhinoplasty, as well as any of our other procedures. Contact our New Jersey office at 973.731.7000, our New York office at 212-938-0158, or you may request an appointment online today!


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Cosmetic Fillers NJ

Know Your Body Contouring Options for Achieving Firm Abdominals!

POSTED ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2015 AT 11:54 AM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

The abdominals are one of the most troublesome areas for those trying to sculpt a firm physique. Even after consistently watching what you eat and training hard at the gym, those final layers of flab around the stomach may remain; whether this is due to factors such as age, genetics, or the effects of pregnancy depends on the individual patient. However, there are various body contouring solutions that can tighten abdominal muscles and remove excess skin from around the midsection in order to sculpt a flatter, firmer tummy.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, can surgically tighten abdominal muscles by removing excess skin and fat around the stomach and repositioning stomach muscles to create a firm abdominal wall. Tummy tucks are ideal for patients struggling to lose those remaining layers of stubborn belly fat, even after consistent diet and exercise. Additionally, women who have endured pregnancy often have stretched stomach muscles that cannot be tightened through traditional methods. Tummy tuck surgery can tighten these areas for a firmer stomach and waistline to provide long-lasting results.

CORE Abdominoplasty

Patients suffering from loose or stretched abdominal muscles may benefit from CORE Abdominoplasty. This surgical procedure can result in a firmer abdominal profile by combining a tummy tuck with a unique technique known as the “Table Tilt Test.” During this portion of the CORE Abdominoplasty procedure, Dr. Asaadi will raise the operating table to a 45° angle in order to identify and correct any bulging that may occur when the patient is upright. The CORE Abdominoplasty technique allows for more precise results than traditional abdominoplasty procedures in which the patient is simply lying flat. Women who have stretched stomach muscles as a result of pregnancy, as well as patients whose abdominal muscles have weakened over time, can benefit from CORE Abdominoplasty.


MAsterTuck is a specialized truncal liposuction procedure targeting the abdominals, flanks, and back. MAsterTuck can effectively remove small pockets of localized fat while also tightening skin all in one procedure. MAsterTuck utilizes the VASER® LipoSelection system to separate fat cells for removal. VASER® is a minimally invasive form of liposuction—making MAsterTuck an ideal liposuction option for patients looking to minimize downtime and recovery after undergoing their body contouring procedure. Those looking to eliminate stubborn layers of fat or flabby skin from the belly, flanks, or back, can opt for MAsterTuck to achieve significant skin tightening and fat removal results.

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about tummy tuck surgery, CORE Abdominoplasty, and MAsterTuck, as well as any of our other body contouring procedures. Contact our New Jersey office at 973.731.7000, or you may request an appointment online today!


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