Non-Invasive Plastic Surgery In NJ To Rejuvenate Your Appearance

POSTED ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 07, 2021 AT 9:00 AM  by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Non-invasive plastic surgery can help achieve a youthful appearance without the downtime associated with traditional cosmetic surgery procedures.

Non-invasive cosmetic treatments are ideal for patients who are looking to improve minor cosmetic concerns or those who may not want to undergo extensive surgery.

Non-surgical plastic surgery may also be ideal for patients with a busy schedule who are unable to take extended time off to recover from traditional plastic surgery.

At Asaadi Plastic Surgery, some of the most popular non-invasive cosmetic treatments we offer include Ultherapy®, Kybella®, HydraFacial MD®, and chemical peels. In many cases, patients choose to combine multiple non-surgical treatments together for the best result possible.


Ultherapy® is an FDA-approved non-invasive skin tightening treatment that can lift and tone the facial tissues that have begun to sag or wrinkle with age.

Ultherapy® is a state-of-the-art treatment that uses ultrasound technology to stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. By creating additional elastin and collagen, Ultherapy® can improve overall skin elasticity and firmness for a younger-looking appearance.

Benefits Of Ultherapy®

  • Non-Surgical Skin Tightening
  • FDA-Approved
  • Promotes Production Of Collagen & Elastin
  • Little To No Downtime
  • Can Treat The Deepest Layers Of The Skin


Kybella® is a double chin treatment that can remove excess submental fat beneath the chin. Excess fat on the neck can cause the appearance of a double chin and a neck and facial profile with less definition. Kybella® is a simple injection that removes fat cells from the neck. 

Benefits Of Kybella®

  • Treats A Double Chin
  • Targets Stubborn Fat Cells
  • Treated Fat Cells Cannot Accumulate Fat
  • Redefines Neck & Facial Contours
  • Long-lasting Results

HydraFacial MD®

HydraFacial MD® is a hydradermabrasion treatment that can promote a healthy, radiant complexion. HydraFacial MD® provides cleansing, extraction, and hydration simultaneously for clearer, healthier skin. A unique facial treatment, HydraFacial MD® combines multiple skin resurfacing and rejuvenation techniques into one procedure for an instant glow.

Benefits Of HydraFacial MD®

  • Promotes A Glowing Complexion
  • Combines Cleansing, Extraction, & Hydration
  • Treats Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Brown Spots, & Blemishes
  • Improves Loss Of Elasticity & Skin Firmness

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels use a solution that can be applied to the face, neck, and body to refresh and rejuvenate the skin through exfoliating and removing unhealthy or damaged skin. There are a variety of chemical peels, including light chemical peels, medium chemical peels, and deep chemical peels. Each of these chemical peels vary in the depth of treatment and chemical composition.

Benefits Of Chemical Peels

  • Promotes A Healthy Complexion
  • Removes Damaged & Unhealthy Skin
  • Treats Sun-Damaged Skin & Blemishes
  • Improves Discoloration & Uneven Pigmentation
  • Stimulates The Production Of Collagen & Elastin

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about non-invasive plastic surgery, as well as our other cosmetic procedures. Contact our New Jersey office at 913.731.7000, our New York office at 212.938.0158, or you may request an appointment online today!

Additional Links:

Ultherapy® NJ

Kybella® New Jersey

HydraFacial MD® NJ

Chemical Peels New Jersey