Skin Care

Prepare Your Skin For Summer - NJ Skin Care Treatments

POSTED ON MONDAY, MAY 09, 2022 AT 3:12 PM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Just as changing seasons means a shift in our wardrobe, it also creates new challenges for our skin.

As the hot and humid summer season creeps up, our skin’s balance can be disrupted, resulting in inflammation and irritation.Our face is especially susceptible to these changes, as it is always receiving direct exposure to the elements.

Sun damage from UV rays ages the skin and encourages the development of sun spots and discoloration, so after a summer of beach trips and tanning, our skin could certainly use a pick me up.

At Asaadi Plastic Surgery we offer a number of treatments which can help lift away dead skin cells, remove blemishes and imperfections, and restore moisture in preparation for the upcoming season.

Following skin care treatments, patients should be conscious of their time in the sun until fully healed. The skin will be extremely sensitive, so it’s important to load up on SPF and other forms of sun protection such as hats, umbrellas, or seeking shade in order to receive optimal results.


Chemical Peel

Chemical peels can exfoliate the skin, promote skin cell regeneration, treat fine lines, wrinkles, and scars, and even the skin tone. At Asaadi Plastic Surgery we offer 3 varieties of chemical peels which differ in strength of treatment and chemical composition.

The light chemical peel gently removes dead and damaged skin to treat fine lines, acne, and discoloration, as well as promote the production of collagen and elastin. The medium chemical peel improves discoloration and facial lines with a deeper rejuvenating effect than the light chemical peel. The deep chemical peel delivers the most prominent results in the treatment of wrinkles, facial lines, acne scars, and uneven pigmentation by revitalizing the deepest layers of the skin that cause blemishes and cosmetic irregularities. Patients can expect noticeably smoother and brighter skin with a full-face chemical peel treatment.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing uses lasers to treat skin imperfections such as wrinkles, acne, age spots, and other cosmetic irregularities that occur with aging. A full-face treatment may be performed, or trouble areas of the skin can be targeted at various depths using an assortment of lasers. Each laser is designed to achieve a unique goal, such as skin tightening, the reduction of sun spots or blemishes, the production of new collagen, and more.

Microneedling with PRP

Microneedling with platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin to enhance skin firmness and structure, while reducing the appearance of wrinkles, acne scarring, and other cosmetic irregularities. Microneedling is performed using the COSMOPen tool which places tiny punctures in the skin, while platelet rich plasma isolated from your own blood sample is injected into treated areas to enhance healing and achieve natural, longer-lasting results.

HydraFacial MD®

HydraFacial MD® is a noninvasive hydradermabrasion skin treatment which combines cleansing, extraction, and hydration to rejuvenate and soothe skin. HydraFacial MD® uses cleansing serums, facial peels, hydrating, and healing extracts in a four-stage process to resurface the skin and brighten the complexion. Patients can expect an improvement in the appearance of wrinkles, uneven skin tone, lost elasticity, skin congestion, blemishes, age spots, and overall skin texture with the HydraFacial MD® treatment.

Casmara Facial Masks

Casmara facial masks use mineral substances, healing extracts, and natural ingredients to firm and moisturize the skin while also protecting it from free radicals and other environmental aggressors such as smoke, UV rays, pollution, and stress. Casmara face masks are suitable for a variety of skin types, and can reduce inflammation and the prominence of facial aging.

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about skin care and aesthetic treatments. Contact our New Jersey office at 973.731.7000, or you may request an appointment online today!


Additional Links:

Plastic Surgery NJ

Cosmetic Fillers NJ

Skin Care New Jersey

Facelift NJ

Fast, Fabulous Fixes in February

POSTED ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 01, 2022 AT 9:00 AM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

It’s a common misconception that any kind of transformative plastic surgery must entail a lengthy procedure and extended downtime to follow. However, there are a wide variety of non-surgical options to have you looking and feeling your best without having to go under the scalpel.

Dr. Asaadi performs non-invasive procedures that are designed for patients seeking a younger-looking appearance without the long recovery period or risks associated with traditional plastic surgery. These treatments are ideal for achieving natural-looking and long-lasting results. 


Ultherapy® is a non-surgical procedure that provides skin tightening effects to the face and neck by using innovative ultrasound technology to promote collagen production. Ultheraphy® can be used to correct fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, and sagging skin.

Ultherapy® is performed in-office and takes as little as 30-60 minutes to complete. Patients are able to return home immediately after their procedure and can quickly return to their lives as normal.


Kybella® injections can diminish the appearance of a double chin. As we age, excess skin and fat start to accumulate around the chin and neck, causing us to look older than we feel. With Kybella®, patients can enjoy a sculpted jawline without having to undergo surgery.

Kybella® contains deoxycholic acid, which is naturally produced in the human body. Once injected, Kybella® works quickly to destroy fat cells in the chin and neck, leaving patients with youthful contours. Kybella® injections are administered in-office and can take 10-15 minutes to complete.

Hydrafacial MD®

HydraFacial MD® is a multi-step procedure that combines the skin resurfacing powers of cleansing, extraction, and hydration to leave patients with smoother, youthful, and restored skin.

HydraFacial MD® can improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, uneven skin tone, enlarged pores, and more. Results can be noticed immediately following the treatment. HydraFacial MD® opens the pores to allow for impurities to be removed and healing treatments to be delivered to the lower layers of the skin. The procedure is non-invasive and provides long-lasting improvements to skin texture.

Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty

Non-surgical blepharoplasty treats crow’s feet, fine lines, and hollowness surrounding the eyes. With a combination of cosmetic fillers, patients can enjoy younger-looking eyes without the downtime associated with traditional eyelid surgery.

After receiving non-surgical blepharoplasty, patients can immediately return to work and daily activities. The results often last for years before and touch-ups are necessary.

Dr. Asaadi and his staff are on hand to answer any questions you may have concerning non-surgical treatments. Contact our New Jersey office at 913.731.7000, our New York office at 212.938.0158, or you may request an appointment online today!


Additional Links:

Plastic Surgery NJ

Non-Invasive Treatments

Cosmetic Injectables



Non-Invasive Plastic Surgery In NJ To Rejuvenate Your Appearance

POSTED ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 07, 2021 AT 9:00 AM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Non-invasive plastic surgery can help achieve a youthful appearance without the downtime associated with traditional cosmetic surgery procedures.

Non-invasive cosmetic treatments are ideal for patients who are looking to improve minor cosmetic concerns or those who may not want to undergo extensive surgery.

Non-surgical plastic surgery may also be ideal for patients with a busy schedule who are unable to take extended time off to recover from traditional plastic surgery.

At Asaadi Plastic Surgery, some of the most popular non-invasive cosmetic treatments we offer include Ultherapy®, Kybella®, HydraFacial MD®, and chemical peels. In many cases, patients choose to combine multiple non-surgical treatments together for the best result possible.


Ultherapy® is an FDA-approved non-invasive skin tightening treatment that can lift and tone the facial tissues that have begun to sag or wrinkle with age.

Ultherapy® is a state-of-the-art treatment that uses ultrasound technology to stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. By creating additional elastin and collagen, Ultherapy® can improve overall skin elasticity and firmness for a younger-looking appearance.

Benefits Of Ultherapy®

  • Non-Surgical Skin Tightening
  • FDA-Approved
  • Promotes Production Of Collagen & Elastin
  • Little To No Downtime
  • Can Treat The Deepest Layers Of The Skin


Kybella® is a double chin treatment that can remove excess submental fat beneath the chin. Excess fat on the neck can cause the appearance of a double chin and a neck and facial profile with less definition. Kybella® is a simple injection that removes fat cells from the neck. 

Benefits Of Kybella®

  • Treats A Double Chin
  • Targets Stubborn Fat Cells
  • Treated Fat Cells Cannot Accumulate Fat
  • Redefines Neck & Facial Contours
  • Long-lasting Results

HydraFacial MD®

HydraFacial MD® is a hydradermabrasion treatment that can promote a healthy, radiant complexion. HydraFacial MD® provides cleansing, extraction, and hydration simultaneously for clearer, healthier skin. A unique facial treatment, HydraFacial MD® combines multiple skin resurfacing and rejuvenation techniques into one procedure for an instant glow.

Benefits Of HydraFacial MD®

  • Promotes A Glowing Complexion
  • Combines Cleansing, Extraction, & Hydration
  • Treats Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Brown Spots, & Blemishes
  • Improves Loss Of Elasticity & Skin Firmness

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels use a solution that can be applied to the face, neck, and body to refresh and rejuvenate the skin through exfoliating and removing unhealthy or damaged skin. There are a variety of chemical peels, including light chemical peels, medium chemical peels, and deep chemical peels. Each of these chemical peels vary in the depth of treatment and chemical composition.

Benefits Of Chemical Peels

  • Promotes A Healthy Complexion
  • Removes Damaged & Unhealthy Skin
  • Treats Sun-Damaged Skin & Blemishes
  • Improves Discoloration & Uneven Pigmentation
  • Stimulates The Production Of Collagen & Elastin

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about non-invasive plastic surgery, as well as our other cosmetic procedures. Contact our New Jersey office at 913.731.7000, our New York office at 212.938.0158, or you may request an appointment online today!

Additional Links:

Ultherapy® NJ

Kybella® New Jersey

HydraFacial MD® NJ

Chemical Peels New Jersey

Microneedling & PRP New Jersey - Treat Wrinkles, Acne Scars, & More

POSTED ON MONDAY, MARCH 08, 2021 AT 8:00 AM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

As you age, your body begins to produce less elastin and collagen, which is what keeps your skin youthful and firm. With less elastin and collagen, wrinkles, fine lines, and creases may form and cause you to look older than you actually are. Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, combined with PRP can improve the texture and appearance of the skin for a radiant complexion.

What Is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that creates tiny holes within the skin to encourage the skin to heal. Your body responds to these tiny punctures by producing additional elastin and collagen fibers to promote healing. Over time, the elastin and collagen fibers can promote firmer, smoother-looking skin.

What Is PRP?

PRP, which is known as platelet rich plasma, is derived from the platelets naturally found in your blood. Platelets play an important role in your body’s response to healing injuries and can speed up your body’s tissue repair process. During a PRP treatment, blood is drawn as if you were undergoing a routine blood test. This sample is then placed in a centrifuge and separated into several components. PRP is then collected from this sample and used to assist your body’s natural healing mechanisms.

What Are The Benefits Of Microneedling With PRP?

Combining PRP with microneedling can further improve skin rejuvenation results following collagen induction therapy. Microneedling with PRP therapy allows for the platelet rich plasma to be better absorbed by your skin, encouraging your natural healing cycle.

Benefits Of Microneedling With PRP:

  • Restores skin elasticity
  • Increases collagen production
  • Reduces fine lines
  • Decreases blemishes, acne scars, & pore size
  • Reduces the appearance of stretch marks

Microneedling with PRP injections treats various signs of aging, including wrinkles, acne scars, pore size, and more.

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about microneedling & PRP, as well as our other non-invasive treatments. Contact our New Jersey office at 913.731.7000, our New York office at 212.938.0158, or you may request an appointment online today!


Additional Links:

Laser Skin Resurfacing NJ

Ultherapy® New Jersey

Chemical Peels NJ

Beauty Mondays At Asaadi Plastic Surgery

POSTED ON TUESDAY, MARCH 05, 2019 AT 9:48 AM by Dr. Mokhtar Asaadi

Look and feel beautiful with Beauty Mondays at Asaadi Plastic SurgeryGet 20% off on all skin care and aesthetic treatments every Monday!

These treatments include:

Dr. Asaadi and our staff welcome any questions you may have about our skin care procedures and products. Contact our New Jersey office at 973.731.7000, our New York office at 212.938.0158, or you may request an appointment online today!


Additional Links:

Skin Care NJ

Plastic Surgery NJ